Wad Archive

Wads are much like simplified pak file.
But wads are easier to edit. Mostly what you find in wads
are Graphic Lumps and, for use with editors, Mip Textures.
Quake's gfx.wad contains, also, a conchars lump (diplayed below)
that is the font used in the console.


This lets you edit the current entry. It will let you edit
it as a pcx, unless it is mip, in which case it will bring
up the mip dialog box.


This lets you save the entry as a file. Mip texures
are by default saved as mips, others as pcx files.


This button allows you to replace the currently selected
with a similar file.


This lets you add a file to the wad as a new entry.


This lets you rename an entry. AdQuedit checks for
duplicates, which you cannot have.


Deletes the currently selected entry.

Add To Wad

This allows you transfer the selected entries to
either a new wad or an existing wad. This functions
overwrites entries in the other wad with the same
name as the ones selected.


If the wasted space is greater than zero, this button
will remove any wasted space or duplicate entries
that are containedd within the wad.


This lets you convert various graphic types within a
wad to other graphics types within a wad. Conchars
must be 128x128, mips must have dimensions divisible
by eight.


You can create a new empty wad by choosing the
New->Wad command in the file menu while displaying
a valid directory to put it.

Table Of Contents Editing Index